We know you are likely considering several web design companies right now. To help you understand why you should choose IntelliGents Designs, here is what sets us apart:
Full-Service Company
We don't just design websites or just create logos, we can help with every aspect of your brand online.
This can make your life much easier because you won't need several agencies coordinating to build your overall online strategy.
Talk to the People Actually Making Your Website
While your project is in progress, you get to talk directly with the people designing and building your website. We feel direct
communication is the most effective as things can get lost in translation when passed through multiple people.
Web People Giving Advice, Not "Selling" You on Services
The first person you will communicate with is Jacob, our sales and client manager. When you request a quote he will talk with you
about your specific needs and discuss various options that can fit in your budget. We're not here to take every dime you have by
trying to get you to sign up for the most expensive option, we want to find the right solution that will work for you within your budget.
We're Your Partner, Not Just Your Web Design Company
Working with you is much more fun and productive than working for you. If you've never had a website before, it may seem daunting to
get started. Even business owners who have had a website for a long time still may not totally understand how it all works and why.
We want to help educate you about anything related to websites and web marketing even if it means having a 2-hour phone call to
explain the difference between Facebook and Twitter.
We Wear Ourselves Out Trying to Make Customers Happy
The easiest way to get new customers is to have happy customers who then tell all their friends, family and colleagues about us. Making
you happy actually makes our lives easier, since we all know referrals are a great way to build a business. So, we'll work tirelessly to
make sure you have a website you love and tell everyone about.